I was born in Niles, Michigan, a small town in the southwestern corner of the state, the last of five sons my mother was determined to have. My upbringing was stable, happy and that of an otherwise ordinary working-class family in the upper Midwest. My childhood pursuits were no different than most (sports, tearing around the great outdoors, exploring the universe in my own backyard), but also, a house of books and within, images and descriptions of places I wanted to see.
My mother (a strident Texan), loved to travel and in different circumstances, would surely have visited every country on the planet. Her wanderlust spirit, although tempered by the obligations as a wife and mother, spilled over and infected me at an early age. I looked at those texts on our bookshelf and saw possibility, but also knowledge and a persistent desire for more.
Science-Fiction grabbed me during middle school in the pages of Fahrenheit 451, Tales of Ten Worlds, or other classics from authors who were already iconic. I read spy novels, too, but the writer’s bug was still dormant.
I walked with my friends through that childhood in a small town until, at 17, I left home to crew an 1800s era square-rigged ship on a journey from the Grenadines, through the Panama Canal and across the Pacific to Tahiti. The adventure brought me out from childhood and left behind an adult.
After a few years, bouncing from one dead-end manual job to another, I enlisted in the Navy and continued my journey in the anti-submarine patrol community. More places visited, more adventures to be had and not all of them suitable for mixed conversation.
Time spent between interesting moments was often dull and books or films made the hours less tedious. Movies back then were crude by today’s CG standards, but a lot of them were better. Like everyone else, I thrilled at the birth of the Star Wars phenomenon and shuddered in my seat when Alien pulled us from our lethargy. On a warm, Northern California evening when I went with friends to watch Blade Runner, everything changed. The film’s absence of schlock and contrived Hollywood nonsense made it easy to imagine a future where good and bad are no longer defined with ease. It opened the door to more ideas – more possibilities. It also (thank you, Philip K. Dick) incubated that writer’s bug and compelled my first, very private forays on an old, pea-green IBM Selectric typewriter.
I left the service in the mid-1980s and looked mostly for employment and stability, as did so many others. More or less skilled labor jobs until a move to the Pacific Northwest, not long after marrying my wife, Stephanie, and the grind to get through college. My best chance at a decent grade average was found in a literary discipline, resulting in a BS in Journalism from the University of Portland. Afterward, Law School experience at Santa Clara University and twenty years of contract management in high-tech industries, but also (and most important) the birth of our daughter, Natalie.
In the middle of my fifties, I made up my mind to write seriously for a change and Specimen 959 was the result. Four years later, it finally landed upon a printed page and that is where I am today. A new journey, with new possibilities. Here’s to perseverance (and a lot of help)…
Books by Robert Davies
Astronaut. Repairman. Prisoner. CenturoCorp engineer Darrien Norris begins a journey across Terran Colonial space to restore a broken mining machine on a distant, mineral harvest world. It was supposed to be routine—a good run to finish his career—but his shuttle is thrown without warning from its course by an unseen power and survival becomes the only thing that matters. Catapulted across half the galaxy to a violent and hostile place, Norris has been left to survive or die inside an inescapable, alien horror merely for the crime of being lost—of being human. Escape is his purpose, but what he finds in the grinding, desperate fight to live will forever change the path of human history.
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Book 2 of The Specimen Chronicles. Delivered at last from the hell that was Bera Nima prison, Darrien Norris basks in a freedom he thought would never arrive. But as he waits for the Transceptor to restore his memories from seventeen years before, he discovers an alien race intent on destroying everything, and everyone, in its path. Now Norris and his friends must devise a plan in a desperate mission to prevent a galactic catastrophe. Will they succeed? Or will humanity cease to exist—forever.
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After a twenty-year journey across space, the hated Namadi fire ships will soon arrive, determined to burn entire civilizations out of existence. Their genocidal purpose will cost the lives of billions across the galactic sector if the ships are not stopped, but a bold plan to defeat them hinges on the success of a daring mission. In a desperate race against a ticking clock, Darrien Norris and Onallin Rantara will lead a team of commandos to a remote world in search of crucial information. The Namadi Clouds are bearing down on them all, but where the attackers will emerge has become the most prized secret in galactic history, and one they will kill for. Time is against them, and a race for survival has begun.
The Primus Initiative
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Earth, 2180. A century after the Fall, city-states soar above the wreckage of a distant past as the second rise of humanity nears its centennial. On the crowded streets of a sweltering, urban colossus, Ricky Mills runs the hustle, slipping past the police and Behavior Regulators to deliver illegal treasures his clients cannot find for themselves. But the numbing grind brings little joy, and a second existence—lived inside a powerful simulation—has become an unbreakable habit. When his money runs out, and faced with certain death in a callous game of survival to absolve his debts, Ricky’s life is forever changed by desperate fear, the sacrifice of another, and a promise to fulfill an old man’s dream.
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When Evan Morgan’s brother Damon dies suddenly, Evan is stunned to learn his inheritance, including property, has made him instantly wealthy. Traveling to North Wales seems to be a formality: pick up the valuables, sell the house quickly, and leave. But everything changes when he arrives in Denbighshire and meets his neighbor, the alluring and mysterious Aline Lloyd. Evan feels an instant, powerful connection to not only her, but his new home in an ancient place. As the details of Damon’s death become more bizarre, Evan is drawn deeper into the growing mystery surrounding Aline. Consumed by his feelings for her, Evan is determined to learn her secret. Some things are better left unlearned. Something is coming to their quiet valley. And it’s looking for Aline.
The Seventh Life
of Aline Lloyd
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